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LBRY Claims • powerful-affirmations-booster-subliminal


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15 Apr 2020 11:39:52 UTC
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Safe for Work
POWERFUL AFFIRMATIONS BOOSTER [Subliminal] (Binaural Beats) - Daisy Smoltz
IMPORTANT: The use of subliminals should only be undertaken after serious consideration of the consequences. If you at any point you feel unwell, stop listening, have a drink and either rest or meditate, and wait 2 days before listening again.
My name is Daisy Smoltz, My channel is dedicated to providing safe, fast and effective subliminals for your use. I have experience in crafting subliminals that goes back over a decade, years of experience in hosting over youtube and hundreds of thousands of happy users
If you found this subliminal helpful, please consider liking the video and subscribing for similar content in the near future. I try to release Subliminals at least 1-2 times a week, so if you have a request of your own, please leave it in the comments below ?

How often should be listening to my chosen subliminal?: 2-3 times a day for optimal results. There is no danger in listening more, but also no benefit.

Do you have any other social media?: I do, you can either join our discord ( or follow me on twitter (@SmoltzSubs). I also plan on releasing a website soon.

Can I request a subliminal?: Yes, absolutely! You can post it in the comments, or better yet join the discord or dm me on twitter (links above). That being said, I have to charge a fee for NSFW requests, this is because they have gotten me in trouble with YouTube on multiple occasions and I haven't got the time to make them without some stream of revenue. Get in contact if you're looking for one, it costs $5 per NSFW sub. Payable through PayPal or Crypto

Should I use headphones?: Absolutely. While practically, you will still get results without headphones, the time differential is massive. It will take much, *much*, longer to see results without them.

Should I be doing anything other than just listening?: A healthy mind and body will, of course, speed up the progress of Subliminals and improve every aspect of your life. Eat well, drink lots of water and exercise. This is wonderful advice regardless of subliminals.

What are the affirmations?: Generally, I find with my method, my Subliminals are more effective without knowing them. Most are as generic as you would expect, and I find it beneficial if you give the sub-psyche some maneuverability to interpret them as best suits the individual, without pressure from the conscious mind. If this causes you significant distress, contact me and I can tell you on the basis you won't tell anybody else, but quite honestly at that point, I think another channel might better suit your needs

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