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20 Jul 2017 21:11:46 UTC
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Still Report #663 - Cruz Says Trump Deals with Mafia
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In Still Report #648 – Trump Crushes in Nevada, I predicted the following:
Then I went on and speculated that you might see this mafia piece on CBS’s “60 Minutes” tonight. Well, I’ve checked the schedule, and unless they pull it as a big surprise, it’s not scheduled.
However, there was one person who decided to go with the smear story today:
[insert Cruz]
Poor, desperate Ted Cruz. All those Goldman-Sachs dollars – not to mention their grand plans for a North American Union going up in smoke on Tuesday.
But this will no doubt come up again – and probably before Cruz and Rubio finally are defeated, so let’s see what’s behind it:
About 30 years ago, when Donald Trump was still early on in his New York construction career, many unions were dominated by the New York Mafia. It was impossible to do a major job profitably without using one of them somewhere.
A CNN Politics article fro July 31 of last year quoted Wayne Barrett, author of the 1992 unauthorized biography "Trump: The Deals and the Downfall."
“To be sure, organized crime had ties to the New York and New Jersey construction industry in the 1980's and early 1990's, making contact between developers and mafia-controlled companies almost unavoidable at times.”
"There was a certain amount of mob association during which the father and he were building, which was very difficult to avoid in the New York construction world."

Barrett noted that he built the Trump Tower out of concrete, instead of steel, at a time when the mafia controlled much the concrete industry.
"…dealing with the concrete cartel was inevitable for any developer in the period when Trump Tower was built….”
The Washington Post thought they would take a look at this story also and published their findings on Oct. 16, 2015.
“[Donald Trump” was never accused of illegality, and observers of the time say that working with the mob-related figures and politicos came with the territory.”
Law enforcement has examined Trump several times over the years and he’s always come up clean.

According to the Washington Post article, in 1990, officials with the New York State Organized Crime Task Force produced a report entitled “Corruption and Racketeering in the New York City Construction Industry.” It noted that it would be nearly impossible to manage large construction projects in New York City without dealing with the mob in some way:
“Perhaps those with strong moral qualms were long ago driven from the industry; it would have been difficult for them to have survived. ‘One has to go along to get along.’ ”
James B. Jacobs, a law professor at New York University, and the report’s principal author, told The Post that Trump and other major developers at the time “had to adapt to that environment” or do business in another city.

“That’s not illegal, but you might say it’s not a beautiful thing. It was a very sick system.”
So if the forces of evil want to try to stir up this pot, bring ‘em on. You can Google the articles for yourself and come to your own conclusions, but be ready to fend off these charges with just these few, salient and reliably-quoted facts.
I’m Still reporting from Washington. Good day.
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