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LBRY Claims • Crow_Mother


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Created On
6 Dec 2021 22:01:54 UTC
Transaction ID
Safe for Work
100,000,000.00 LBC
Calling to the Great Crow Mother
When seeking healing, my spirit cried out to my Crow Mother to take me in. And as she always would, she did.
This is one of my first videos to create a short momentary breathing, with visual of beginning healing.
Not everyone knows how to start. Not everyone knows how to try. Fear captivates them, because nothing else has worked in the past.
So, here is a very quick example from my office. It's not perfect. It's not the end all and be all of healing sessions. However the only wrong way to do something from the heart, is to do nothing at all. Let us know if this inspired you to BECOME and create your own visual, with breathwork (the video is moving with my slow and deep breathing) with auditory sounds and cleansing sights that bring the smells of healing to your viewers. We all must start somewhere to remember how much we have picked up from the experiences we gather as we learn along the journey of our lives. Welcome to Spirited Gettysburg - We are here to show the magickal energies of Gettysburg the town, battlefield, energetic space which when experience may power You as it does Us - within and without!
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