LBRY Block Explorer

LBRY Claims • introducingmyself


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Created On
16 Jan 2018 12:07:29 UTC
Transaction ID
Safe for Work
Marwan from Bangladesh - My first day at LBRY

This is the second time I have opened an account to cryptocurrency based social media or blog. I was amazed when I saw LBRY for the first time on a Youtube channel, what a well organized and reputed blog it is! Moreover it is paying to share our thoughts, our original work!

*Now it's time to introduce myself. :)*

I am Marwan from Bangladesh. I am a full time traveler and half time Forex trader. I am also a freelancer at Upwork. I love to travel and watching movies. I wish to travel almost all countries in the world. ;)

I heard about cryptocurrency almost 5 years ago, mainly about bitcoin. But that time I wasn't sure about buying bitcoin or any other coins. Ah! Now look at the price of Bitcoin! :O
But I don't feel sorry for that, earnings will come by hard working and experience. I believe this motto.

Now I bought Ripple, Bitcoin and Etherium. And after joining here I wish to get some LBC coin by exchanging my bitcoin on Poloniex.

Well, I would like to write about my analysis on some Cryptocurrencies, also about my travelling and some social media tips & tricks. I would like to post memes and fun videos. And yes all will be my original work. I am not a good writer but you can follow me if want to read my blogs.

**I am really excited to be here with all LBRY users!**

Happy posting! :D
Content Type
Open in LBRY