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LBRY Claims • newearthmedia-psychicsurgery


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Created On
13 May 2017 04:17:06 UTC
Transaction ID
Safe for Work
Psychic Surgery in the Philippines - pt 1
Join your host Dr. Danielle Brooks as she speaks with Marika Verheijen, international coordinator for the most acclaimed Filipino psychic surgeon, Rev. Alex Orbito and the Pyramid for Light Center.

In this first episode we look at the history of faith healing and Rev. Orbito's personal journey along with some of the scientific research that he has participated in. Discover what happens during a surgery and how we can profoundly affect our own healing process.

Your host Danielle shares some footage of her own psychic surgeries and what can be expected when you participate in this form of faith healing.

New Earth TV network’s whole health talk show celebrating a healthy mind, healthy body and healthy spirit.

When we initiate self healing we begin the journey from suffering to empowerment. Join us as we cross the globe exploring the ancient and emerging knowledge of wisdom keepers, healers and practitioners of whole health and well being. From experts to profoundly inspiring everyday people, we look to each and all to share, inform and enlighten us on how to live vibrant healthy lives.Danielle_website

Your host for Heal YourSelf is Dr Danielle Brooks, PhD. She is a long time radio presenter, world citizen and eternal student of the Light, walking the path of heart centered living.

Danielle is an international sacred sound healer, teacher and speaker. Drawing on a diverse background in healing, shamanism and psychic surgery she works globally as a catalyst and facilitator for people to create profound change in their lives. Working at a soul level she brings forth light codes through her voice and in sacred energy that is woven into every cell, every part of one’s being to help us remember and reconnect with our truth, our power and our light. She offers a visionary way to transform pain and achieve greater health, inner peace and a joy filled life.

Dr Danielle Brooks holds a PhD in Human Development and a Doctorate of Divinity in Metaphysics and Spirituality. She is a faculty member and professor of New Earth Theological University.

Danielle is the author of Living Through The Heart. Based on the personal stories of 55 individuals that have experienced miraculous healings and profound transformation, Living Through The Heart explores seven components necessary to self heal. It is both a course textbook and companion on the deeply inward and sacred journey of transmuting pain into love. Her book may be found here

Her website (long overdue for an update because she’s too darn busy soaking up the stillness of the Canadian forest) is

For more info on Heal YourSelf contact
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