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LBRY Claims • The-inconvenient-physics-of-the-ISS-2-


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Created On
18 Nov 2020 16:17:19 UTC
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Safe for Work
The inconvenient physics of the ISS
When talking about the physics of the ISS, in simple terms we are told it is in free fall around the earth, its velocity around earth equals the pull of gravity from the globe,
Important point, it is treating all the physics as a static rotation, never looking at the movement of that rotation around the sun (Translation).

The first thought is relative motion when arguing the points raised in this video, it is not a valid argument.
SEE the video "A Relative Rabbit Hole"

The physics will not change for an object relative to you, it just restricts what you can measure, as you can not see to measure all the movements.

Like moving in a sealed box at a constant velocity, all inside the box we are told is not moving in physics.

First look at the physics in play. (Use your own figures for velocities, mass and measurement of distance)
1. Take a wheel rotating at a constant velocity, mark a point on the wheel.
2. Place a mass at that point, what forces act on it?
3. Are the forces acting on the mass constant? YES / NO Why? (Should be yes)
4. Now add a constant velocity movement of the rotation. (Translation)
5. What forces act on the mass, taking account of the changing velocity of the mass along (4) added above.
(Using rigidbody rotation with translation physics)
6. Are the forces constant on the mass now we have add the movement of the rotation. YES ? NO Why? (Should be NO)
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