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17 Jun 2019 05:13:15 UTC
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Vaccines May Cause Your Baby To Stop Breathing – ‘But Take Them Anyway!’
Over the last ten years we have seen a huge number of people beginning to question the efficacy of Vaccines and the huge increase in reported adverse effects.

The Mainstream Media has always been a huge advocate for Vaccines, which is to be expected when most of the Media have huge financial ties to the Pharmaceutical Industries. Rarely have we seen the media even suggest that Vaccines may be associated with some serious side affects – Until Now.

The Washington Post this week put out an article written by a Parent who’s 6 month year old stopped breathing soon after being vaccinated, and accepts the Vaccine was the cause of the episode.

> *The day of our daughter’s 6-month-old vaccinations was uneventful. She got her shots in the afternoon, ate a good dinner, had a bottle and went to bed at 6:30 p.m. An hour later, she suddenly cried out with a startling moan we had never heard before.*

> *My husband and I leapt up and bolted for the stairs. He reached into her crib and pulled her out. Her eyes were open, but blank. The color had drained from her face.*

> *As he placed her in my arms, I saw her face was vacant. I knew instantly something was very, very wrong. I screamed for my husband to call 911. He ran out of the nursery as I tried to talk to her, begging her to stay with us. But almost as soon as he left, her breathing stopped. Her eyes rolled back, and her body went limp.*

> *I felt helpless, certain that our baby — my life, my heart — was going to die in my arms.*

> *I put my lips over her tiny mouth and puffed air into her lungs. Suddenly, she came back — her little body fighting back against my breaths into her mouth — only for unconsciousness to wash over her again. Again this happened.*

Now the good news is the Baby survived , but unfortunately the message this article is trying to push is not what you’d expect:

> *Our daughter’s pediatrician called us at the hospital within a few hours and recognized the symptoms. Our baby had experienced an incredibly rare side effect from one of her vaccines, called a hypotonic-hyporesponsive episode. This syndrome is so uncommon that there aren’t even agreed-upon statistics about how rare it is.*

> *While our baby was tethered overnight to monitors and wires to track her brain’s electrical activity, I obsessively scoured the Web for information.*

> *Serious reactions do happen — our daughter is a testament to that. It was the most terrifying event of my life. But as I went through the data, I saw firsthand how exceedingly rare it was and how safe our vaccines really are.*

> *Vaccine-preventable childhood illnesses, on the other hand, are very dangerous. Few children die of these diseases today. But before widespread vaccination, outbreaks and deaths were common. Before the rubella vaccine was introduced, a 1964 outbreak infected 12.5 million Americans, killed 2,000 infants and caused 20,000 cases of congenital rubella syndrome.*

##### So the moral of the story is this – Yes your child may stop breathing, may have a ‘rare’ side affect and may even die ; but you should vaccinate anyway!

It’s no wonder the media have had to resort to such tactics, people are beginning to question the safety of Vaccines. Which is not surprising when you consider the number of people being affected by Vaccines. We have posted multiple accounts of people who have had life changing side affects from vaccines. So if you can no longer convince the public they are safe then it’s time to try and just get them to accept that they may kill you, but it’s worth it!
For more News on Vaccines head over to [OYE NEWS](
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