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19 Jul 2017 14:21:22 UTC
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Breaking News! Pokemon GO Will Give You AIDS
You heard it here first folks! The Pokemon GO app you all so love and enjoy, well yes, it now spreads aids. Be warned.
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You've heard of several news stories regarding Pokemon GO accidents, deaths, crimes, car crahses, and even murder. How much of it is actually even true?

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The title of this video spawns from the frustations of news articles saying shit like "Pokemon GO once again, the cause of 16 north americans getting herpes." Okay, that's probably not an actual headline, but you get the point.

I have a philosophy that it's always the humans fault. This is because we have the power of choice, whereas things like Pokemon GO, video games in general, and pretty much anything ever created, don't. Yeah, it can pretty much apply to anything.

Is Pokemon GO at fault for the people that place lures at 2AM then mass rob people? No, it's first the fault of the people actually robbing others. Sure, Pokemon GO made it more convienient in a sense, but since their goal was to rob they'd find another way to do it. And second, it's the fault of the people going to a lure late at night, or going anywhere late at night. That risk will always be there, Pokemon GO or not.

Is it the fault of Pokemon GO that someone ran into a tree while playing? No, it's the retard being distracted while driving. This has been happening way before Pokemon GO. Texting being the biggest distraction. Is texting bad now because some people do it while driving and cause accidents? No, it's the stupid fucking people mis-using technology, or anything created.

It's always the humans fault.

Look at this article!

Man sues Pokemon GO for half a billion dollars because he was hit by a car while playing it. Some dude jolts to the middle of the street, ya know, where cars go, to catch a pidgey or some shit, and then gets hit. The game's fault for sure, yep. It's a fake as shit article, like every article on cartel press, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this actually happened. But the fact that at least some of you, myself included, believed straight away this was a real article is a problem enough.

Side note by the way, referencing what I said earlier. Most of the shit you hear about "pokemon GO accidents" is fake clickbait bullshit, ESPECIALLY from certain sites, like Cartel Press, and also like the title of this video, just less obvious. Many believe it cause they need something to hate, better when it's something popular. Then these people share it, and more misinforamtion is spread.

You obviously can't just trust everything you see on the internet, so before jumping to conclusions, do some research. Anyway, went on a little bit of a tangent there, so... moving on.

You don't hear much about the good that comes from playing it, no, that don't get no views.

People accidentally getting excersise, accidentally meeting new people, getting out of their house more often, even business is better for many companies. Not only cause more people are out and about, but I've heard of businesses using pokestops, and throwing lures down so their customers will feel more inclined to stay. Or special events, or lowering the admission cost to museams for pokemon trainers, etc...

If you use the game responsibily, a lot of good can come from it.

H3H3 made a similar video, like today I think, so I'll probably be called a copy, but I've been wanting to share my thoughts on this since I've started playing. His was awesome though, pretty much a response to the clown Joey Salads on another one of his awesome "Social Experiments" where he asks "fellow pokemon go players" if they wanna catch that awesome Charizard, like 10 feet away. And when they do follow him, like literally 10 feet away, he's like "see kids, this is what could happen if you play Pokemon GO." Yeah, getting dissapointed cause some douche lied about a charizard. Horrible.

Joey Salads is the Cartel Press of Youtube.

But yeah, I guess there's not much else to say about it.

Here's a TL;DL, even though those don't work really well outside of text format, but I'll do it anyway.

Don't blame things, blame people, or rather the stupidity of people.

Don't believe everything you see on the internet.

H3H3 is a cool guy.

Joey Head of Lettuce is not.
Music from Epidemic Sound (
Outro Music: "ES_Nintendo - Alexander Munk"

Please watch: "HIT Gameplay - I'M TOO STRONG! (Heroes of Incredible Tales)"
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