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LBRY Claims • VideoCoverLetter


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15 Jun 2023 21:06:51 UTC
Transaction ID
Safe for Work
My Cover Letter in video form! 'Jack, the Integrator'
- My LinkedIn profile:

- Code repository and descriptive README file for the List Reveal web app featured in "Don't Bury The Lead" podcast, previewing WWE's WrestleMania 39 event April 1-2, 2023:

- Slides from "Nonrational Confidence Guy: A Superhero for the Modern Workplace," a fun "TEDTalk"-ish presentation I made to the graduating class at my coding bootcamp:

- "A Restaurant, a Church and a Sense of Shared Humanity," an article written for Univision's Se Habla USA project:

- "Movie Maven," a basic console game I created while learning some coding languages . . .
. . . in Python:
. . . in Java:

- And here's the book, 'Rocket Fuel,' I referenced in the video, if you're curious about what an Integrator is:

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Most people have heard the famous quote:

A jack of all trades is master of none

For a long time, I struggled with being the “jack of all trades” in a professional world that wants people to focus on only one, narrow thing. But then I learned the rest of that old saying, and the wisdom emerged:

A jack of all trades is master of none,
though oftentimes better than a master of one

Aha! A world full of specialists still needs a few competent generalists to bridge the gaps, translate between the disciplines, and integrate the best ideas with an eye toward the big picture.

My varied professional experience has required me to learn new tools and protocols in every workplace, and to adapt old skills to new applications:

• Writing and editing newspapers and B2B foodservice publications taught me how to observe deeply, ask questions, and bring a repair-and-improve mindset to my work. This was many years before I heard “QA/QC” used while employed in software engineering at an Amazon affiliate.
• In between those two industries, working as a musician and entrepreneur forced me to engage more with the world, learn marketing, and conquer my stage fright.
• Growing those skills then helped me become a teacher, a program designer/coordinator, and a member of two boards of local nonprofits, roles in which I recruited and directed others to service.
• And all these skills coalesced when I entered broadcast operations and engineering. Critically, I had to learn the fundamentals of several domains – engineering, traffic, sales, legal, production, network ops – and send daily product reports to colleagues in all those departments.

The common threads through my professional journey have been communication, growth, and solving problems. Whether creating for consumers, for students, for B2B, or for colleagues internally, my writing, speaking and overall craftsmanship have become more robust from print to podcasts, songs to software, procedures to products.

And if you’ve read the book 'Rocket Fuel', as I did at the suggestion of a fellow tech engineer, I score highly as an Integrator.

I’m looking for a career where someone who has honed abilities from many disciplines is a welcomed, valuable asset to the team. I’d like a chance to contribute and learn, while facilitating the success of those around me.

I look forward to sharing more with you in conversation. Contact me, and let’s talk!

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