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30 Jun 2017 06:34:50 UTC
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Still Report #1164 – CNBC Poll Donald Trump Has a 50-50 Chance over Crooked Hillary Clinton
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Good evening, I’m still reporting on Trump and Clinton.
Donald Trump now leads in two polls nationally, having overcome double-digit deficiencies in just the last two weeks, and he is closing the gap in most of the other polls, even in the swing states.
According to Jake Novak on CNBC:
“There’s a 50/50 chance this thing won’t turn out [Clinton’s] way.
”Bigger — much bigger — deficits in the national polls have been overcome before in presidential elections."
Slowly, slowly, the major news outlets are starting to turn against Clinton as at least three significant Clinton stories broke this afternoon and this evening.
Late this afternoon, The Daily Beast reported that two complete archived copies of all of Hillary Clinton’s emails were lost in the mail, according to an FBI report released this afternoon.
In addition, that same archive was placed on a thumb drive and mailed, and it too has also now been lost.
Huma Abedin told the FBI that the laptop and thumb drive were meant to be used in the future production of a book. They were lost as different Clinton staffers mailed them around for different reasons as Clinton transitioned out of the State Department.
That laptop and thumb drive are out there somewhere in the world and they are worth a pretty penny.
Next up, Newsweek – reported a Reuters story about the notes from the day the FBI actually whisked Clinton away from her DC home and interviewed her for 3-and-a-half hours.
Clinton resorted to the “I don’t recall” defense – typically the last resort in a sophisticated criminal’s path to prison.
Although the Newsweek/Reuters story is interesting it was rather short of specifics of the “don’t recall” defense.
We have obtained a more complete list, though at this hour its veracity cannot be verified.
Here is reportedly a selection of the items Clinton told the FBI she couldn’t recall:
“… a specific process for nominating a target for a drone strike.”
“… using a flip phone during her time as Sec. of State.”
“… how any data stored on her Blackberry device was destroyed.”
“… why State was unable to provide her with a secure Blackberry.”
“… receiving any emails she thought should not be on an unclassified system.”
“… her specific conversations regarding the creation of the domain.”
“… receiving guidance from State regarding email policies outlined in the Foreign Affairs Manual.”
“… any specific routine for deleting email from her account while Secretary of State.”
“… a specific cable about securing personal email accounts sent to employees.”
“…ever contacting Pagaliano [her tech support person] for technical support for her email account.”
“… specifically who had access to Clinton’s Blackberry and email accounts.”
“… any other individuals being offered an account on besides Huma Abedin.”
“… the compromise of State employees’ gmail accounts.”
“… using an iPad mini until after her tenure as Secretary of State.”
But according to the CBS report, here is something that Clinton told the FBI that she specifically did remember:
“… that the use of a private server was NOT due to a desire to avoid FOIA requests or violate the Federal Records Act.”
So what is one to conclude from this list?
#1, Clinton is either lying to the FBI, or
#2, she is severely mentally impaired and therefore hardly capable of fulfilling the duties of the President.
Lastly, CBS reported this afternoon that Clinton did not just own one device as she has publically stated – but up to 13 devices – 8 of them were used to access her State Department emails while she was Secretary of State.
However, of these 13 devices, the FBI could get their hands on NONE of them.
And one aide, Justin Cooper admitted to the FBI that he:
“… did recall two instances where he destroyed Clinton’s old mobile devices by breaking them in half or hitting them with a hammer.”
Any wonder why Clinton is still sinking in the polls?
I’m still reporting from Washington. Good day.
Bill Still is a former newspaper editor and publisher. He has written for USA Today, The Saturday Evening Post, the Los Angeles Times Syndicate, OMNI magazine, and has also produced the syndicated radio program, Health News. He has written 22 books and two documentary videos and is the host of his wildly popular daily YouTube Channel the “Still Report”, the quintessential report on the economy and Washington.
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