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LBRY Claims • entrepreneur


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11 Aug 2017 13:31:01 UTC
Transaction ID
Safe for Work
50,000,000.00 LBC
Mentoring Everyday People and Offering an Alternative Solution to Help Everyone Start Living on their own Terms
It's not uncommon for people to rely on assumptions for what they've been told about the world. Biologically this is smart because the brain doesn't waste energy. In fact the brain doesn't want to expend any more energy on a task than what it needs to, to critically analyze things like breathing would be an extremely inefficient use of energy.

There are some very basic autonomous tasks, such as breathing, a beating heart and other functions generally required for survival. However those aside, the brain doesn't know the difference between a trivial task, and one that requires focus to perform, beyond the way you teach it to grow.

Just like muscles are strengthened by exercising them, brain connections are reinforced by exercising them.
You may have heard the phrase "States become Traits". What it basically means is that as things are consciously practiced, the brain strengthens these connections and eventually they strengthen to the point that they no longer require conscious effort to maintain. They become autonomous like breathing.

This can be a very good thing if the right things are in this category. Successful people tend to have traits that encourage success, where as people who are not quite as successful either are not aware of them, have not practiced them, or don't consider them as much of a priority as less desirable traits.

The beautiful thing about that is that everyone has the same capability for improving the value of their own success and everyone has the potential to achieve success it just comes down to how trivial success is in each person's eyes.

For successful people, success isn't something they want, it's something they simply can not live without, like breathing.

Take the puzzle below as an example, many people scrolling through their feed will give up before thinking it through and scroll on by, they either have no interest or it simply becomes too mentally expensive to solve. Others still will miss details and believe they have the right answer, that's not necessarily a bad thing unless completing the puzzle, like success, is a must. And it's okay for that to be the case.

But the people who need that answer and who must understand the problem will notice things that others miss and eventually come to one of a few likely answers.

Bonus points if you can determine in what order the containers will fill and what variables that could change the outcome.

If success is a must, solve the puzzle, then register for our next presentation. We hold two a week and help anyone who seeks more freedom in their lives an alternative lifestyle that can help them find it.

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